Meditation Experiences

1. Whom did I meet?
I ended up meeting two Korean ladies who were advertising Meditation classes in Uganda. That it was a good method for someone to gain full life and live in Heaven.
2. Could I believe it?
No. I thought it was like all those other people who advertise a lot of nothing trying to steal our money for no services rendered. But one of the young ladies was persistent and I ended up agreeing to try the method. Directions were given to me and I told them I would begin in July – although I did not have any intention of keeping the promise. Come July someone from the centre started calling me sending me messages of reminder to go for the classes. I finally went out of being tired of being reminded.
3. What happened after?
Truly amazing. I went for level one of meditation. After only a few cycles, I felt my head was clearing. All the clutter I had been feeling started disappearing. I began feeling happier, lighter and found myself smiling more.4. Am I continuing with the meditation?
Sure. I am determined to complete all levels because I have started glimpsing heaven. I am no longer easily annoyed. I dispel negative thoughts as soon as they try to enter my mind. I love everybody regardless of what they feel for me.

I used to be awake for hours, worrying about things that had happened in the past, that were happening in my current life and that could potential happen in the future. Too often, I would skip a complete night. Besides feeling exhausted the next day, it also increased a feeling of stress, it made me behave to my near surrounding in a very emotional way, and resulted in a general feeling of unhappiness and numbness. I felt very much like a victim of my situation and I could always think of someone or something to blame, whether it was my work environment, my relationship, my children, etc..
What started as a solution for my sleeping problem turned out to be much more than I expected. Through the meditation I discovered some of the root causes of my sleeping problem. I have all kind of thoughts that are always present in my head. Thoughts that were developed throughout my life filling my headspace with a lot of unnecessary baggage, leaving little space for present life focus. I discovered that those thoughts had created a lens through which I perceive the world around me, creating a subjective reality and having thoughts running through my head as an unstoppable machine.
Through the meditation, I realize that the time I spend on worrying, thinking, reasoning, etc., is a complete waste, distracting me from reality. This meditation has become like a new sport that helps me to stay fit and positive, and helps my brain to relax. Just like sport, it is only effective if you invest sufficient time in it. It requires you to practice it on a daily base. This time investment, however, is only a fraction of my time that I used to spent on worrying and having sleepless nights.
After 2 months of meditation, I can say that I am better rested, being able to manage my family life and work life much better, and my sleeping problems have disappeared for 90%. I used to have 1 good night of sleep per week out of complete exhaustion. Now, I only face bad nights once in a while. I am able to better reflect on my life, and have discovered that its only me to blame for my situation and its only me that is able to change it. I also discovered that my true person is hidden under many layers of behavior, expectations, cultural believes, etc.. Those layers have blurred my view on reality. Through the meditation I have been able to peel of some of those layers and life has become clearer.

Before I discovered this Meditation I had been down many paths, read many books on spirituality effectiveness and finding purpose. Books like the Secret, Visualization techniques among others. Whereas they pointed in the right direction none truly led me to freedom, lasting peace or the purpose for my life that I was seeking.
I have been able to overcome desires and attachment to things like Money, love, alcohol. My judgmental mind and vexation have been reduced greatly. I can say I have inner peace, I feel a sense of purpose. The method is creative, practical and all embracing.
As a Christian I was weary of joining a cult or anything that did not follow Christ’s message. This meditation has helped me understand Christ’s message and the Bible in general much better. When Jesus said in Matthew 16 “deny yourself and follow me”, meditation gives me an opportunity to do that daily. The schedules at the center and the helpers are so flexible that even with my busy schedule I can afford at least an hour every day.
I used to fall asleep as I meditated alone not knowing if I was progressing or what to expect. With this meditation I make progress every passing day and feel a real difference. I am able to apply it in every moment of my life. I am on my journey to completion and I am going till the end.
By the way I had a phobia for Injections but the last time I visited the hospital I was amazed that I took an injection without any drama.
If you are lost or on your way, this meditation is the way to the truth you are looking for. It confirms the truth that you have always known in such amazing and experiential ways that are indescribable. It’s simple, practical, progressive and straight forward.
I am truly grateful to the great teachers for this method. I am grateful to the method of throwing away the false that is me which must be truly thrown away.

Anxiety relief
Before I came to Uganda Meditation Center, I struggled with Severe Anxiety….even in the past…. it had been my personal struggle for years. I was put on prescription drugs for my anxiety. I was literally the most negative person you could ever think of. I believed all my negative thoughts, but as per now, with the help of this wonderful method from Uganda meditation, I am happy, glad, grateful, and blessed to have gone through this course. It has impacted and changed my mind entirely forever. I now know how to discard and control my thoughts, to meditate and relax my mind. To replace the negatives with positives.
I carried a lot of stress before I came to the center. My contract at my workplace had expired. I had anxiety for what to do next but with the help of my daily meditation and practice at home, I then knew if I kept somewhat positive, the universe would find a way. I decided to complete the course during the free time and period as I was away from work. Lucky enough for me… after sometime I got called back to my job and was told my contract had been renewed. Woooow the universe indeed took care of it.
Meditation guide always reminded me how the Power of the Center was always stronger if you came to it every day… and indeed it was… and I tried my best to come to the center when I got the free time.
I would gladly recommend my friends, family and anyone out there to give meditation a try because of how positively it affected my life.

This has fundamentally changed my life!
I have been with the Meditation Centre for now just over two years! I found it because I had been looking for one!
With the help of the Centre, I have found a method of how to discard my karma(life lived), (inherited) habits and body, through constant prayer!
This has fundamentally changed my life! It has enabled me to always live in the present, free from the burdens of fear, stress and anxiety!
I have been able to confidently retire from public employment (Government)! Am now settling well into my life’s purpose, doing things I love, in unity with infinite intelligence/consciousness, through constant prayer and gratitude!

I am so happy, grateful and I just completed level 1.
Being a person that used to always worry about anything and everything, had so many expectations and could easily get stressed.
I sought out on a journey to solve that and manage my thoughts. I gave guided meditation a shot not knowing what to expect but it sure is one of the best decisions.
With the truth meditation I got to learn about all the pictures I had created in my mind and from then on I seek to have the universe mind.
I am so happy, grateful and I just completed level 1.
So grateful to the method and to the universe. I am so in love with myself, am a better mom, wife , friend, daughter and employer. It sure is a beautiful journey that I am committed too.
Thank you

I only recently started on this journey but I already see the difference.
My life has been filled with a lot of anxiety so I sought out meditation to deal with it.
I only recently started on this journey but I already see the difference. With meditation I am learning to control what my mind holds. That happiness can be attained by living in the true universe if I discard the false mind.
I had heard about other meditation methods but with this kind of meditation you can do it at any time even while you go on with daily life activities.
I know it’s a journey that | have Just embarked on but am excited to go on it and discover more because | always want to be happy.
Charles the instructor is amazing and always encouraging.
I am hoping to get more of my family and friends on the same journey with me to seek tranquility and happiness.

This meditation is? “simple and so powerful”
Before meditation, the life I have lived from the outside looked good. Perhaps to the eyes of the people around me I was happy and confident with family, school and work but I was very worried and always felt pressured within. I always had this need to please everyone and was obsessed about maintaining an image for a good person in front of others. I was always hiding behind my fake smiles and heavy make-up, covering myself up to be perfectly good. Through the meditation I realized that this was all because I was so worried about how the world saw me. I was so worried that I never wore white socks or bright colors because people could then see how dirty my feet were. I felt as if the world was judging me for every little thing about me. My insecurities always overwhelmed me that I was haunted with insomnia.
However, reflecting back at my life, the meditation has really helped me see that I was only living inside this bubble. I was stuck inside a place where I cared only about my self-centered views and comparing myself and wanted to become better with my own standards that I had made to myself. Now that I look back at myself, I was so ridiculous! Riddling myself with so many worries.
I have done the meditation from level 2 in Korea, so I have not yet met people that know of the old me. However, even the people here say that from the time I’ve been here that I look brighter. I see my own change too, my insomnia is gone and I dance around in whatever colored socks, without makeup. When I no longer rely on the opinion of others, I feel much stronger and free. The greatest gift the mediation has allowed me is to allow me to see that the world does not spin around me. I have been living only for myself. For me, the greatest part of this meditation is to see reality, the true world, outside of my bubble.

You start to see yourself, the way you are in all aspects of your life
The cool thing about this meditation method is that it has this ability to show you who you are from a much bigger perspective than yourself. It is really hard to see yourself as yourself, so the method has this way of showing yourself from a bigger perspective. Then you get to reflect on yourself on how you actually are and you see things in yourself. And I saw things in myself that I did not realize that I had before the method. I think that is one of the biggest strength of this meditation. Speaking from my own experience, I found it really hard to bring big changes within myself but this method has helped me get rid of my habits and useless negative thoughts.
I am definitely happier now and also just more relaxed. I feel better within myself and that is the best way to define happiness for me. Also, I am more focused. I mean I work with computers and it is important to have patience and really be able to focus throughout the day. I work with my head the whole day, thus it is so important to be able to be relaxed within myself. Not always trying to move, not always thinking about something else, just staying put; and the meditation has definitely helped me with that.
The meditation has also improved me as a husband and father. One problem that I think in many relationships I find is; you have this expectation of the other to give you something the whole time. You want to get something from that person. And I think the meditation has changed that perspective for me and my wife. It is now more about putting in the work yourself without underlying expectations for one another. Also, this meditation has changed the way I see my children. I seem them more as the way they are than I did before as a parent and as a father. There was a certain bias that came with the strong attachment that I had for my children. Getting rid of that, I think you start to see your family in a more realistic way. This is also good for the kids, because they feel that and they feel actually more relaxed around me.

The difference in my life … can be described with one word: Gratitude.
I don’t have any dramatic life story to tell. From the outside, my life looks quite ordinary. I grew up in a safe environment in a suburb in the outskirts of Stockholm. I had friends, a Nintendo video game and everything a kid could wish for. My family was not religious and relatively open-minded, so I was free to make my own life decisions. I graduated from university and got a job at an IT company and thought I would be happy but, in my mind, I was never truly happy. Every time I achieved something that I wanted, I just wanted something else, something more. I was constantly stuck in my thoughts with my wandering mind. I was always wondering, stuck in my own thoughts, asking myself why I had so many thoughts in my head. I tried so many different things to find an answer but everything I tried only gave me a temporary release.
Though very quickly I realized by doing this meditation that this thinking was about myself and the reason that I think so much and why I was so stressed was because I was caring only about myself. For me, I used to carry things that were unnecessary. I knew that ruminations were unnecessary and bad for me but I didn’t want to nor know how to let go. However, through this meditation method I learnt how to truly let go of the worries and thoughts and to me that is true relief.
Now, there is a huge difference between the me before and the me now. Before, I needed so many things in life to be happy. I needed my hobby and I needed to have certain people in my life. I thought I needed a lot of things. Now I have no worries about the future so with this mind I can just live and the universe will take care of things for me. Now I have also learned that when I sincerely care about others more than myself my stress fades away and I now know how to truly contribute to the world. The difference between my life before and after the meditation can be described with one word: Gratitude.
I feel so much gratitude for this meditation, for being able to let go, and for being able to confirm with my mind that I am fundamentally one with everything around me.

Be the change you want to see in the world
I think when I was born I chose 100% heart and zero head. I love people and love to help them. That has been part of my life for a long time and even the success in my career comes from it. However there came a point in my life where I sought for ways to help others but drove myself insane because I could not find a way to help the other. Once, one of my family members was suffering from depression. There was nothing that I could do to help and knowing that I couldn’t help that person brought me to an even deeper depression. However, once I started the meditation, I noticed a change in me. I realized that only I can change myself and only I can help myself. It was no longer about my need to help and improve others but it was more about being an example to the people who require the help. I found a way to show true compassion and love to others by helping myself. Everything I do and want to say in a short version is that ‘live by example and be the chance you want to see in the world.’
When I started the meditation in the U.S., my career grew a lot faster. People were nicknaming me as a “superstar” and I was awarded a title as the ‘Top 5 Person’ within my industry with a promotion of an executive VP. Though my career was successful I realized that my job made me so busy. I knew there were a lot of opportunities for me to grow through the meditation and I knew to gain something I needed to sacrifice something. Thus with a bold decision, I chose to go to Korea to invest in myself and it was not just a gold mine, but a diamond mine. I can see that most people who want to try the meditation are just so busy with their lives, but I wish they take a moment to invest in themselves to find what is that they truly want in their lives. For me, I just love who I am inside right now. The language and food was very different in Korea but it is nothing compared to the depth of the gratitude I have for the method because it has changed my whole entire life. Though the past 4 months of meditation in Korea, I was able get over my traumatic experiences in my past, conquer my phobias, and be free from the health conditions that has been following me all life. Many people tell me that I’ve changed a lot and tell me that I look brighter and younger.
At this point, my heart is full of joy and love and gratitude. So with this gratitude that is inside, I want to give this out to other people now, by being an example.